By Franco Attento
I read articles for three reasons. I want to know what will happen next; I found it interesting, and just for fun.
I read articles because I am in need of new information everyday. It has become a routine that information became like food to me. I need to know what’s going on around me or some updates on recent events. It’s like watching daily episodes of my favorite sitcoms. I read articles of the latest news because I am intrigued on what is going to happen next, like what is going to happen to the politicians’ game of tug-o-war, updates on the performance of my favorite tennis player and the on-going games, or the latest in the happy and sad faces of our celebrities. To sum the first reason up, I read articles because I want to answer the question: “What will happen next?”
Whenever I find an article that caught my eye, I would probably read it. But what makes an article interesting that it would make me read it? Well, the style of the writer is a factor, and also the interests and likes of the reader. Take me for example. I like movies so whenever I see a review of a good movie, I would definitely read it as long as the writer doesn’t spoil it. Another example is that I am interested in unusual stuff, like the ones people show on “Ripley’s Believe It or Not”. I usually read articles of things that don’t happen everyday such as pigs born with two heads, people creating houses with garbage, someone eating something the people don’t usually eat, and so on. So basically, an interesting article will make a person read it.
Sometimes whenever I get bored, I pick up a magazine to kill some boredom. If there is nothing interesting on television, or I don’t have a new game for my console, or I’m just too lazy to get out of home, I read an article from a magazine or digest that I like such as K-Zone, Otakuzine, and Games Master. But it’s not just me who read articles for fun; many people also do this.
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Checked, posted on time - Prof. Jorge
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